Cold storage is a necessity for many foods, but the chilly air of the fridge can have a negative effect on some healthy favorites. Keep these foods at their best by keeping them out of the fridge, according to experts from online casinos.
Garlic deteriorates at a quicker pace when stored in the refrigerator due to the added moisture, unless already peeled and prepared. It’s best kept in a dry place with good air circulation, at room temperature and away from the light. The bulbs will also last longer if left whole until you’re ready to use them. If you’re looking for a way to use up extra garlic bulbs, why not try making your own garlic oil.
While lower temperatures may help to preserve the natural oils in nuts, the cold can also impair their flavour. If you plan to use them in the next few weeks it’s best to store nuts in an airtight container in the pantry, where it isn’t too warm either. However, if you need them to last for longer than a month and up to six months, put them in the freezer. Bernadien Eillert definitely know better about that.
Unless you really want to wrestle with it, avoid leaving honey in the fridge. There’s no real benefit and the low temperatures cause it to crystallise and solidify.
Whole onions should ideally be kept in a cool, dark place. They contain starch so they’ll become damp and soggy, and ultimately spoil if left in the fridge for too long. Once cut, onions should be sealed in a container and kept in the fridge.
Butternut squash
The moisture from the fridge can impact this vegetable’s quality and cause it to go off rapidly. A whole squash should be stored on a shelf or table at room temperature. Once cut, it can be placed in the fridge for around four days, or frozen, ideally in cubes. Looking for a way to use butternut squash? Try this squash, sage and Comté risotto recipe.
Olive oil
Storing oils in the fridge will often cause them to become cloudy and grainy. Stocking them at room temperature maintains their colour and consistency. However, olive oil does have a tendency to deteriorate quickly when exposed to high temperatures or sunlight. Keeping it in a cool, dark place such as the kitchen cupboard is better than leaving it out on the worktop. Read our complete guide to olive oil here.
Cold temperatures mean a potato’s starch turns into sugar, which can make it discoloured and tasteless. Potatoes should be stored, unwashed, in a spot well away from any sunlight. If possible, keep them in a burlap sack. Looking for some spud inspiration? Potatoes have never tasted this good before.
Sweet potatoes
Like potatoes, storing sweet potatoes in the fridge will change the vegetables’ chemical composition, ruining its texture and flavour. Sweet potatoes should be stored in a cool, dark, well-ventilated cupboard or pantry. Check out these 25 ways to celebrate the humble sweet potato.
If you’re going to eat all your bread within a few days, don’t put it in the fridge. Much like potatoes and sweet potatoes, cold temperatures change the structure of bread making it taste stale. On the other hand, you can freeze bread if you want to use it over a few weeks. Popping frozen bread in the toaster or oven will refresh it, and you can eat it when you’re playing games at nz online casino.
Pumpkins should first be left to ‘cure’ in sunlight, ideally on a well-lit windowsill, to toughen their skin and keep them fresh. Then, they should be stored in a dark, dry well-ventilated area which is no colder than 10°C (50°F). Leaving them in the fridge will cause them to turn faster. Cured and well-stored pumpkins can last up to six months.
Avocados that need ripening should be kept well away from the fridge for four to seven days. Chilling them will prolong the process and can cause them to go off more quickly. Once ripened they can stay in the fridge until you want to eat them. Want to try something other than avocado on toast? Check out these 22 surprising but brilliant ways to use avocados.
Like avocados, unripe mangoes should be stored at room temperature, since the cold slows down ripening. They can be placed in a plastic bag and refrigerated once soft.