While the mr coffee iced tea maker is a great appliance that makes your favorite beverage, it can be difficult to clean. The instructions on cleaning the machine are simple enough, but they don’t quite cover some of the issues we’ve encountered in our testing. Here’s how I’ve cleaned my mr coffee iced tea maker.
It takes a couple of steps to clean your mr coffee iced tea maker. To clean the reservoir and lid, it’s best to remove the entire lid from your Mr Coffee iced tea maker. Then, you can wipe down the reservoir and lid with a damp cloth. If there is any buildup on either of these parts, you can use vinegar or lemon juice to help break it down before cleaning with water again.
To clean, follow the steps:
Put one ounce of white vinegar for each quart of water in the water reservoir. Run a half-cup of water through the machine, then discard it. This will help dissolve any scale deposits that may be on your coffee maker’s components and make cleaning easier later on.
Fill up the reservoir with white vinegar, making sure to line up with its markings so you know how much liquid is going into it. Next, put enough bottled or distilled water into the reservoir to meet whatever amount of tea you’re making (if making 1 quart/liter), then close it up and let it sit overnight before proceeding further with cleaning instructions below:
After you’ve finished cleaning your tea maker, make sure to put the cap back on and press the power button again. This will ensure that all of your hard work has paid off and your tea maker is ready for another use.
If you want to continue using this method of cleaning or want more tips on how to clean a mr coffee iced tea maker, then read on!
Let the machine run through this cycle, then unplug it and let it sit for two hours. This will allow any remaining water in the unit to cool down. You can now safely remove any tea bags or filter baskets. If your machine is still hot, wait until it has cooled before handling.
Rinse the reservoir thoroughly with water. If you do not rinse the reservoir with water, vinegar will be unable to penetrate through it and clean it.
Plug in the iced tea maker and fill it up with a fresh pitcher of water. Press the power button to turn on the machine and let it run for about five minutes, which will help eliminate odors and other impurities from your machine’s reservoir.
As you can see, cleaning your mr coffee iced tea maker is not a difficult task. It just takes a little time and effort, but the results are well worth it. Your machine will run more efficiently and last longer if you keep it clean.