Warranties are something that you might think only apply to new items, those that you absolutely expect to be in mint condition. Refurbished laptops may be cheaper than those bought new, and it would be easy to imagine this means sacrificing any warranty. It is actually a little more complicated than that.
A refurbished laptop is one that has been previously owned, but has been restored to be as close to new as possible. This is in contrast to secondhand laptops, which could be in any condition from excellent to barely functional. Most refurbished laptops are returned by their original owners, either individuals or businesses, because they are damaged or out-of-date. They are then repaired, with all traces of the previous owner removed. We suggest you visit the Refurbished Laptops website here for examples and more information.
It depends where you buy them. A private sale between two individuals, as is common with second hand laptops, is unlikely to include any kind of warranty. If you are purchasing a properly refurbished laptop from an established outlet with a reputation to uphold, a warranty of at least a year is common. This is a way of guaranteeing the condition of the laptop and reassuring you that even though it has been previously owned, it is still in good condition. It is one reason that this type of laptop purchase is popular.
The primary reason that people buy laptops that have been refurbished is because they cost significantly less than brand new models, whilst still offering a level of quality. The refurbishment is professionally done, and unlikely to lead to ongoing repairs and expense over time as is common with a secondhand purchase. The warranty is part of what guarantees good performance.
There is no guarantee that a refurbished laptop will have a warranty, but most respectable retailers will provide one to reassure you that despite the device having been previously owned, it has been restored to near mint condition.