No house can escape and at some point, the visit of any animal, parasite, or organism that is installed anywhere in it and automatically becomes a real headache for owners or tenants. Normally we tend to think of ants, roaches or termites. Still, other types of smaller organisms can cause the same or even more serious damage to the furniture and facilities of a house and cause health problems for the inhabitants.
An obvious example of these microorganisms is black mold. It can appear in the wettest and warmest areas of the house and is especially fixed on furniture or objects that are made of wood. It is very important to monitor and prevent its appearance because more and more people show allergies to this organism. In addition, it can be very difficult to permanently get rid of it, although there are various means, both chemical and natural. Here, we explain how to remove black mold from wood.
Mold falls within the fungus group, as do yeasts and mushrooms. This organism can reproduce by spores so that it can be present at home for many years, but not have the opportunity to reproduce because the appropriate conditions have not been given.
In general, it can be said that black mold (like any other type of mold) has an easy time appearing when two factors come together: heat and humidity. If both the temperature and humidity inside a room are high, mold will be more likely to appear. For this reason, special care must be taken in some regions of the house, such as in the kitchen, bathrooms, or on furniture that is close to pipes where a small leak could occur.
To control the appearance of black mold, it is necessary to control the variables that produce it. Heat is one of them, but, logically, we are not going to be cold at home, so we should try to control the humidity level. Some dehumidifiers can help achieve this, and there are also air purifiers that filter the air with HEPA filters, which are very suitable for fighting mold growth because they filter out very small microorganisms, including spores. We also recommend that your vacuum cleaner contain such a filter.
You can also follow other recommendations such as always keeping the house well ventilated, preventing the development of warm and humid environments, allowing sunlight to enter, since mold cannot grow in the presence of sunlight or even resort to anti-paint. -mold. In the latter case, it is important to keep in mind that it is a preventive measure since it will not work if the wooden furniture already has mold. Also, get one that does not contain fungicides or toxic elements.
There are several ways to remove black mold from wood, some with the use of chemicals and others with more natural remedies. But it is essential that in all cases, you do it properly. Remember that mold spores are very harmful and can cause significant damage to your health, especially if you are allergic to them. So it would be best if you protect yourself. Get a mask, gloves, and protective glasses for the eyes and use clothing that covers all areas of your body to avoid exposure as much as possible.
Never clean the furniture inside the room or inside the house. It is best if you take the furniture outside, and even better if you place it in a place where it receives direct sunlight. Before you start, no matter which method you choose, use a HEPA filter vacuum cleaner to vacuum as many spores as possible from the cabinet, passing it through the areas affected by mold. When you’re done, you can choose how you prefer to attack mold.
One of the most effective methods is borax, an easy-to-buy chemical that is best suited to remove mold from the most porous surfaces.
If the stain remains, you can resort to ammonia, using it with caution, mixing one cup of the product with another of water, and spraying the area with this mixture. After two hours, you can clear it up.
There are also natural methods to combat black mold on wood. One of them is oil from the tea tree, widely used today in cases of pediculosis since it is a fungicide. This is very useful if you don’t know how to remove black mold from wood without using chemicals:
Finally, you just have to wait for it to dry.