The water boiled in the electric kettle is very hot, proved not suitable for human consumption. The first thing to do when buying an electric kettle is to descale once before using it. An easy way to carry out this operation can be seen below.
To descale the kettle, you will need:
– A lemon or lime
– Old newspaper or paper towels
– Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
– Water boiled in the kettle for at least 5 minutes before starting to descale it. The flow of hot water must be opened for a minute.
– A bowl or bucket larger than the electric kettle
– Table salt
1. Pour the hot water that the electric kettle contains, and then take it to a large container and remove its lid and power cord. Put your newspaper on the bottom of the container and put the kettle upside down on it. Then fold the edges of the newspaper and close it with a rubber band.
Read more: Cuisinart CPK-17 Electric Kettle Review
2. Take the lid of the electric kettle and put half a lemon, cut in half, inside. Close the lid and shake it for 10 minutes. Remove the lemon halves and throw them into the container that you will use to dispose of garbage later on; this step will help to eliminate any unpleasant odors.
3. Put the electric kettle into the refrigerator. Leave it there for 24 hours, then remove it and throw away the lemon halves that are inside.
4. Pour about 5 liters of boiling water into the electric kettle until you have covered all its internal surfaces.
5. Put enough table salt so that it can cover all the internal surfaces of the kettle and stir to dissolve it with a wooden spoon. Then let the electric kettle rest for at least 15 hours.
6. Pour out all of this water and rinse the electric kettle well with cold water until you remove all of the salt residues.
7. Fill up the electric kettle again with 5 liters of cold water, put the lid on and power it up. Bring to a boil then let stand for several minutes until you turn off the electricity.
8. Empty the electric kettle again and rinse with cold water until all of the hard water is removed.
9. Leave to dry completely before using it again or putting it away.
The best way to descale a kettle is with lime or lemon juice, but this method can damage the lining of the kettle and it emits bad smells. Here are some other tips:
– Fill up your electric kettle with hot water, add 2 tablespoons table salt and leave overnight. The next morning, empty all the contents, rinse the kettle and use.
– Boil 2 liters of water in the electric kettle for 5 minutes, pour out and repeat the boiling process two more times. Then leave to dry completely before using it again or putting it away.
Descaling an electric kettle is a process that needs to be done so the boiled water becomes drinkable. The sulfate contained in hard water can damage the heating element of a kettle and shorten its life span. So it is recommended to descale it from time to time because if not, you could have serious health problems due to bacteria accumulating in the electric kettle.