Maintaining a consistent temperature in your LG, Frigidaire, or General Electric refrigerator is generally easy but as units age and other variables come into play things can fluctuate.
Discovering temperature inconsistencies in your fridge can often come at the expense of groceries. Stray pieces of mold on perfectly good produce or cheese are a clear indicator that the temperature in your refrigerator has increased. These sudden increases can make food unsafe so discard anything questionable immediately.
If you notice this you can reach out to the refrigerator repair experts, but you might also want to check a few things:
Check the Thermostat: Most of the time the dial on your refrigerator is positioned at the same temperature, optimally 35°F. Of course human error and the process of opening, closing, loading, and unloading the fridge can move that dial. Double check this before you panic.
Fresh Leftovers: Loading up the refrigerator with hot or even warm trays and Tupperware full of food will definitely raise the overall temperature. While the passing of a few hours should cool and normalize things sensitive foods like dairy might not hold up if things get too warm. Let your leftovers cool on a counter for a while before you load them into the fridge.
Open Space: Delaying a trip to the supermarket could actually raise the temperature of the fridge. Cold groceries loaded into your refrigerator help to cool each other. Meanwhile, vast open space makes the refrigerator’s engine have to work much harder. The result is a warmer refrigerator. Load all that empty space with containers filled with cool water to help cool things down.
Steamy Weather: If it’s hot outside(and lately it sure has been!) your refrigerator might be working a little harder than usual. The result is often an increase in temperature that could call for lowering the thermostat a few notches.
The writer of this article Russell Wilson is a home appliance blogger who is keen on making sure that his friends are always aware of the latest trends and what to use in their home and kitchen.